Anshika Verma

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Lekhny post -15-Mar-2024Salute of womenhood(Part 4)

Title : Salute of womenhood

Sub Title : Violence against women

In the heart of a bustling city, amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, there existed a silent epidemic that cast a dark shadow over the lives of countless women violence. It lurked in the shadows, lurking behind closed doors, on dimly lit streets, and in the darkest corners of society, robbing women of their dignity, their safety, and their very lives. Among the countless victims of this insidious plague was Ashi, a young woman whose story echoed the experiences of far too many. From a young age, Ashi had known the sting of violence the sharp words of her abuser, the bruising grip of his hands and the suffocating fear that gripped her heart with each passing day. For years, Ashi suffered in silence, her spirit crushed beneath the weight of shame and secrecy. She hid her scars behind a mask of false smiles and whispered apologies, terrified of the consequences should she dare to speak out but deep within her soul, a flicker of defiance burned bright, a spark of courage that refused to be extinguished. One fateful day Ashi found the strength to break free from the chains that bound her a decision that would change the course of her life forever. With trembling hands and a voice choked with emotion, she stepped out of the shadows and into the light, determined to reclaim her dignity and demand justice for herself and for all women who had suffered in silence. Her journey was one of bravery and resilience but it was also one of solidarity and sisterhood. As she shared her story with others, she discovered that she was not alone that there were countless women who had walked in her shoes, each with their own tale of pain and survival. Together, they formed a bond, a sisterhood forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by the shared belief in their own worth and resilience. They marched side by side, hand in hand, raising their voices in unison to demand an end to the violence that had plagued their lives for far too long but their journey was far from easy. They faced backlash and resistance at every turn skepticism from those who doubted their stories, apathy from those who turned a blind eye and outright hostility from those who sought to silence them. Yet still, they pressed on, fueled by the fire of their convictions and the knowledge that they were fighting for something greater than themselves. As their movement gained momentum, the tide began to turn. Laws were changed, resources were allocated, support services were expanded to better serve survivors of violence. but perhaps most importantly, attitudes began to shift no longer were victims blamed and shamed for the crimes committed against them but perpetrators were held accountable for their actions, For Ashi and the countless women like her, the journey was far from over but as they stood shoulder to shoulder, united in their determination to confront violence against women, they knew that they were not just survivors they were warriors, fighting on the front lines of a battle that would shape the future for generations to come. As they looked to the horizon, they saw a glimmer of hope a world where every woman could walk the streets without fear, where every girl could dream without limits, and where violence against women was nothing but a distant memory of a darker time and though the road ahead was long and fraught with challenges, they knew that with courage, perseverance and the unwavering belief in their own worth, they would prevail.


Reena yadav

29-Mar-2024 11:03 AM



Punam verma

29-Mar-2024 08:02 AM

